Road Rants Radio With Frank Sardella



Chiropractic marketing with an edge and an axe to grind. Join Frank to get inspired by some tough love on some heated subjects in new patient marketing and practice growth.


  • RR9 How to Turn Negatives, Losses and Meltdowns Into Instant Practice Growth!

    23/02/2018 Duración: 14min

    Join Frank on the soapbox for this unique and interesting episode where he discusses an ABSOLUTE MELTDOWN he had just before recording this episode, how he used his 2017 new policy of using the energy from all problems to make a net gain in thrusting toward goals and how you can do that in practice or in any situation in life. Find out how you can cash in on the negatives in your practice and life now! This is an episode, not only not to miss, but to always remember! Join Frank now...

  • RR8 The Woman Who Told Me She LOVES Her Migraines and Her Meds

    16/02/2018 Duración: 37min

    Join Frank as he rants about a girl he met yesterday at a screening who told him she was great with her migraines and loved her meds! Learn how he handled it without being condescending or sarcastic, and especially not with any disdain, scorn or resentment. Listen now to this inspiring episode that will teach you about how to play the long game with people to get them to live a wellness lifestyle and become lifetime patients!

  • RR7 Opening Up a Can of Chiropractic Message Whoop-Ass

    25/01/2018 Duración: 44min

    Listen as Frank opens up a can of whoop-ass with a steady dose of why you can't seem to spread the chiropractic message as far and wide as you want to, how you've actually been let down by your education and what you can do about it immediately to get people to understand. Join Frank for what he hails as his most important episode yet!

  • RR6 You'll Never Argue People Into Being Your Patient

    10/01/2018 Duración: 20min

    Join Frank on his latest rant about how arguing people into doing what you want them to do only serves to make matters worse in practice marketing and getting new patients. Learn how to really get new patients and turn them into lifetime ones by avoiding these KEY, KILLER mistakes!

  • RR5 Why People Don't Give You the Time of Day - It May Be Your Fault!

    01/08/2017 Duración: 19min

    I have had it up to hear with the horror stories I have been hearing about the rudeness with which staff, and some practice owners alike, have treated visitors to their offices, and how they are turning away one of the best sources of new patients without ever knowing. Tune in to my rant to hear how to change it to your advantage and how rudeness can turn into new patients!

  • RR4 When Booking a New Patient Is the WRONG Thing to Do. Don't do it!

    08/07/2017 Duración: 18min

    Do you feel degraded at screenings? Do a majority of people no-show? Are your screenings getting stale or just not working? Are you resorting to tactics such as offers, clever "closing" lines and collecting deposits? Join Frank on his latest rant that just might save your practice and drastically change your arrival rates for Day 1 appointments and more New Patients. Frank is fired up on this subject and tells it like it is on what you're doing right now that is REPELLING people who would otherwise become your patient and ruining any future chances you have with them. Tune in now, get inspired, and improve your game!

  • RR3 No-Fault and PI Naysayers Are Clueless!

    27/09/2016 Duración: 15min

    If you "want a wellness-based practice" to treat only wellness cases, you will clearly never have one. Why? You're missing the point on how we create wellness cases. Find out the secret Frank has been keeping about this. If you ever thought another practice was "a mill" then you need to listen and tune in. Listen to my rant today and learn how to expand into the future. Join me now!

  • RR2 Don't Flatter Yourself - Why People Back Out

    22/09/2016 Duración: 10min

    I just booked an appointment and they backed out. But she was so interested. I don't understand! Sound familiar? Find out what causes it. Don't flatter yourself, they have something else on their mind you need to know! Join me on my latest rant on those who book and then don't show and why. Visit for more info

  • RR1 Old McDonald Had a Pharma - Calling You OUT!

    20/09/2016 Duración: 13min

    Did you know medicine is looking for alternatives? Did you know they will listen to you? You have dropped the ball. Join me for this rant as I call you out. Let me inspire you into reaching farther into your community than you ever have before or ever thought possible! It's go time! Rant #1 go!